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Data Science Group
Data science group is a unit within the Department of Computer Science of the University of Innsbruck. It has been established in Jan 2021 and is headed by Prof. Adam Jatowt.
The group focuses on various topics in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval areas, working mainly with text content and large language models. One of the long-lasting themes are research topics in which we pay special attention to temporal aspects of text and of diachronic document collections such as collections of news articles published over multiple years or decades.
In particular, the following research projects have been carried recently:
- Complex question answering
- Temporal IR and NLP
- Novel RAG approaches
- Multi-hop question answering and generation
- Hint generation and evaluation for user questions
- Timeline generation from news article datasets
- Novel information retrieval and access approaches to news collections
- Fake news and bias detection
- Computational approaches to archival science
The group collaborated or collaborates actively with researchers from: Kyoto University (JP), TuDelft (NL), Columbia University (UA), AIST (JP), Queen's University Belfast (UK), Kyoto Sangyo University (JP), University of La Rochelle (FR), Zhejiang University (CN), Alibaba Group (CN), Nankai University (CN), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE), TUDresden (DE), University of Tsukuba (JP), University of Normandy (FR), Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (PT), University of Porto (PT), IIT Patna (IN), University of Gothenburg (SE), Nanyang Technological University (SG), Takushoku University (JP), Sorbonne University (FR), Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (PL), Universiti Utara Malaysia (MY), Cork Institute of Technology (IE), Fraunhofer Austria (AT) and TuWien (AT).
The Data Science Group gratefully acknowledges generous grants by Daniel Swarovski Corporation AG, Innio Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG, Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG (IKB), TINETZ-Tiroler Netze GmbH and Vereinigung der Österreichischen Industrie, Landesgruppe Tirol (Industriellenvereinigung Tirol), which fund the endowed professorship from 2021 to 2026.